As another week of the COVID-19 crisis continues and many of us are now firmly settled into working from home, we thought we’d follow up on our last post, featuring some of our
top tips for getting the most out of remote working, with this little compilation of images from the Bracken family.
We’ve put this together for a number of reasons, one to keep our community alive and foster a little bit of community spirit during this tricky time, two to give people something to do for 5 minutes and have a little break from their work and three to be well, just a bit nosey!
All these photos belong to staff from the businesses you’d normally find working in either The Tannery, Calls Wharf or Albion Court, so without further ado, here’s some photos of how different people are “doing” working from home and they seem to fall into two basic groups…
If you don’t have a home office…
For some people, to successfully work from home it’s been a case of taking over an existing space in the house, like Steve Rabbitt, Managing Director of Rab IT who comments:
“I fall into the category of not having a dedicated home office so I’ve had to commandeer the lounge as my new place of work! I don’t normally work from home and office life is something I enjoy and that routine works for our family. Having said that I’m coming round to the idea of remote working as I’m much closer to the kids and can help my wife when she needs a break from her new role as a home tutor. It's not all bad, I’ve got a room with a view, a nice garden and I certainly do not miss the commute! I’m just hoping for a red hot spell and I’ll quickly be working from the garden office”.

Dom Smith from Tribus Digital is also seeing a number of benefits to his new home working situation, noting that it has its positives and that he is:
“super proud of the Tribus Team. They are all doing great and working as a proper unit. Clients are super happy, there are more meetings going on than I care to remember and this adversity seems to be breeding a huge sense of innovation and entrepreneurship.”
Others are working from home by taking over the kitchen and dining room tables…

And Martin Oates from Pixelbuilders is braving the temperature extremes of the conservatory… (he does have lovely views though and plenty of natural light though)!

Another innovative solution to the lack of home office space comes from Paul Davidson at PD Tax who has set up camp in his caravan.

He said
“Here is a picture of me just now providing great tax advice from our caravan. The caravan is on the drive down the side of our house, so I can leave the house in the morning go for a walk round the block and then go into the caravan to start work. I’ve got a heater, a kettle, a fridge and music if I need it. The best thing though is the total peace and quiet and the birds chirping outside!"
If you do have a home office (or desk)…
Other people are lucky enough to already have a home office or at least a desk space, meaning they haven’t had to commandeer the kitchen, disrupt the dining room or steal the sitting room. And from what we can tell, the time saved in finding a place to work has been carefully invested in setting up that workspace. In fact, we’d go as far as to say that some people seem to have managed to practically recreate the normal office environment!
For example, some of the development team from Pixelbuilders appear to have more monitors and other hardware at home than they do in the regular office at The Tannery!

While others have made their home workspaces into something that could easily be found on the Instagram feeds of a number of fancy interior design companies…

Nevertheless, what all these images have in common, is that they demonstrate the determination and commitment all these individuals have to not only following the government’s advice on how to tackle the Coronavirus crisis but also to maintain “business as usual” (as much as possible)!