Here at Bracken we know all about a happy workspace, it is literally our bread and butter after all. Our workspaces are spread across three iconic Leeds buildings: Albion Court, Calls Wharf and The Tannery and each building has its own distinctive character, great location, friendly team and signature style. We ensure that all of our clients receive the very highest standard of workspace but there are also ways that businesses can ensure a happy and productive workspace for their employees and potential clients.
Bring nature indoors.
It is a well-known fact that having plants in the office has a host of beneficial factors including, reducing stress, boosting creativity, increasing productivity and not to mention making the space look more attractive. Plants also help clean the air by removing toxins and balancing humidity which could in turn reduce the amount of absences from your work force.
High quality internet access
The frustrations and tension that comes with poor quality internet can cause major problems not only for the sanity of those trying to do their everyday jobs but for most businesses these days, it is an essential part of communication. At Bracken we offer Private Cat 5e network, fully managed 20Mb up and down internet connection and Stringent firewall policies.
Adequate meeting space
Open plan offices are great but sometimes having a separate area or meeting room is really important, particularly if you need a little privacy. All three of our historic buildings have a choice of modern meeting rooms that are available for hire, from small spaces ideal for private discussions and sharing ideas to larger board rooms perfect for presentations.

Windows and natural light.
Although it is obvious, the advantages of having natural daylight in the workspace cannot be undervalued … It makes for a more productive, healthier, happier and calmer workspace. Sunlight also helps regulate people who suffer with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Exposure to sunlight allows the skin to absorb vitamin D which is needed to keep your bones, teeth and muscles healthy.
Get involved
Bracken take part in a number of events, charity campaigns throughout the year – from the McMillan Coffee morning to collections for the local food banks. By getting involved with great campaigns like these it is imperative for people’s mental wellbeing. It allows people to have a focus and do something good, which can only ever be a winner in the workplace.
One of the main contributors to an unproductive workplace can be something as simple as mess and clutter, the very thought of a messy desk can send some of us into a meltdown but there are usually a couple people in every office whose desks closely resemble a bomb site. The first job is to identify the absolute essential things that you need to do your job and then all the rest of it should either go in a drawer or the bin. Ensure wires are tidily kept out of the way and straight away you’ll feel more relaxed and organised.
Decorate your space
Some of our clients have gone above and beyond when it comes to decorating their workspace. Making your office personal is a vital factor in having a happy workspace. Here at Bracken within all three of our buildings we have clients that have done some amazing things with their space. There are offices with pool tables, living walls, tv’s, chill out areas with bean bags and computer games and at the end of the day if you are happy in your workspace, your business will be more productive and therefore successful.